Bagaimana Cara Membuat Sempurna Tuna in olive oil with cocktail garlic Cara Bunda Vanesa Melani

Nikmat, Lezat, Cepat, Mudah dan ANTI GAGAL.

Tuna in olive oil with cocktail garlic Cara Bunda Vanesa Melani. Olive Oil and Garlic Tuna Pasta. In a large bowl, mash garlic with the back of a spoon. Comfort Food, Macedonia Vegetable Pie with TunaReceitas Da Felicidade!

Tuna in olive oil with cocktail garlic Saute garlic in oil until lightly brown or fragrant is release. Stir in tuna including the vegetable oil. Stir in the cooked pasta and mix. Anda dapat membuat Tuna in olive oil with cocktail garlic menggunakan 8 resep dan 4 langkah. Inilah cara Anda memasak ini.

Resep Untuk Membuat Tuna in olive oil with cocktail garlic

  1. Anda membutuhkan 500 gram dari tuna chunk.
  2. Kemudian 1/2 sdt dari seasalt.
  3. Kemudian 1/2 sdt dari blackpepper.
  4. Kemudian 5 siung dari bawang putih, cincang halus.
  5. Anda membutuhkan 3 sdm dari bombay cincang.
  6. Anda membutuhkan 10 buah dari cocktail garlic (boleh di skip).
  7. Anda membutuhkan 150 ml dari olive oil.
  8. Anda membutuhkan 1 buah dari toples kaca.

Add more salt and dried basil leaves according to your taste. Note: Only start cooking the tuna when your pasta is. Solid Yellowfin Tuna with Roasted Garlic and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This is a simple olive oil based pasta recipe that will surely make a difference in your typical pasta craving.

Langkah-langkah Pembuatan Tuna in olive oil with cocktail garlic

  1. Lumuri tuna dengan bombay cincang, bawang putih dan sedikit blackpepper.Letakkan dalam loyang yang sudah dioles sedikit olive oil.Kukus kurang lebih 20 menit atau hingga matang.Dinginkan lalu cabik" dengan garpu atau gunakan food processor..
  2. Dalam toples kaca campurkan olive oil, blackpepper, seasalt dan cocktail garlic.Masukkan tuna kukus tadi.Tutup rapat dan kocok sebentar supaya olive bercampur rata membaluri tuna.Simpan di kulkas..
  3. Siap digunakan untuk topping pizza atau campuran nasi goreng dll..
  4. Happy Cooking.

I have saved the olive oil from my canned tuna because I hate to waste food. Note about cooking with olive oil: Keep more expensive extra-virgin olive oil for the recipes where you will be able to really taste it - such as our marinated goat's cheese and rosemary and olive oil focaccia. For all the other recipes, a good-standard olive oil will work perfectly well. Add the olive oil, garlic, and chile flakes to a large sauté pan. Add the oregano, capers, olives, tomato paste, and diced tomatoes.